This site was created by a Network Engineer who had to generate and share pre-shared-keys (PSKs) with regularity. Typically this involved a phone call where said engineer would phonetically spell out a 20-character PSK. 20 characters seemed the limit of the human ear, so that was as long as the PSKs tended to be. He needed a way to share out longer, theoretically more secure PSKs, while not publishing them via unencrypted means. So, this site was born.
If you feel the need to contact URandom, you may do so by emailing
This web server creates a local cache of output of the /api.php and stores it for 24 hours. Every unique URL of the /api.php file is a new cache file. So, to maintain unique pages, a UUID is used and embedded into the URL. This also allows you to copy / paste the URL into an email (or chat, or text, or ...) to share with others so that you may share the password page, without actually exposing the password itself in an unencrypted format.
The UUID value is inconsequential. You can change it as you see fit. If you worked for the ACME Robotics Company, and wanted to make the UUID "ACMERobotsRule", you could. The only caution I would make is: ensure the UUID is unique enough that some other user of the site is unlikely to accidently pick the same. Since you are copying and pasting the URL, is it *really* that important to you that the UUID show your unique personality? Well, if so, the option is certainly available to you.
The /api.php file generates its output 100% via the GET parameters in the URL. Its output is also in plain text, not HTML PRE. This allows you to use a script to 'Wget' or 'cURL' the result and not have worry about cleaning up the output of the password generation. Just make sure your script creates values for 'chrlen', 'pwcount', 'chrtype', and 'uuid'.